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  • Multi adjustable
  • Ergonomic forehead and chin cup design
  • Reverse Pull Headgear is a Class III Appliance used for correcting Class III malocclusion in growing patients. An ideal Reverse Pull Headgear is lightweight, durable, and fully adjustable.
  • Class III Appliances are used during the early treatment of incorrect dentition. With a simple Class III Appliance such as a Multi-Adjustable Facemask, the overall treatment plan for Class III malocclusion can be shortened.
  • With an Orthodontic Class III Headgear, many patients can reduce the tension accompanied by orthodontic treatments just by wearing their headgear regularly and as prescribed.
  • Class III Facemasks that achieve the best results are those that are creatively adjustable, yet very durable and efficient. Using a multi-adjustable reverse pull headgear appropriately can help quicken treatment plans and prevent jaw surgery later in life.

Protraction Facemask Reverse Headgear - Single Pole

$59.99 Regular Price
$34.99Sale Price
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